Front-End Development

Ensuring a perfect experience and real comfort of work – that’s the way we think the ideal front-end app should be designed.

Our front-end development team creates mobile, web and desktop solutions – user-friendly, compatible with new technologies, and seamlessly working with your back-end systems.

10+ years of experience in front-end development. We’re offering a truly adaptive and agile approach to front-end development. A wide array of clients operating in various sectors requiring high-performing software products allowed us to create a bulletproof methodology.

Improving our client’s business, being transparent, allowing seamless scaling up and down via our outsourcing services, and, most of all, asking the right questions to provoke growth remains the heart of everything we do.

Technology Stack

Komersoft leverages cutting-edge technologies to deliver modern application development services. Our expert team is well-versed in various front-end and back-end technologies to create exceptional experiences.

If you want a Flutter-based application that is professionally and cost-effectively programmed, we are the right development partner.
Through close collaboration with clients, we develop customized and user-friendly applications for iPhones, iPads, and macOS that meet their business requirements.
We help businesses make the most of technology to gain a competitive edge through lightweight, easily scalable applications with full Java interoperability.
We use this popular JavaScript library to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. React enables us to build efficient and scalable front-end components, ensuring an exceptional user experience.
Our developers utilize this comprehensive front-end framework to develop dynamic and feature-rich web applications. With Angular, we can create scalable and modular apps that are easy to maintain and extend.
JavaScript is the backbone of modern web app development services, and our team is proficient in employing its capabilities to enhance interactivity and responsiveness in custom web application development projects.